22 March 2007

smörgåsbord - I love that word

Luckily about 20 some odd years ago, I happened to meet Mrs. Right. I met my wife when I was attending the University of Kansas. I needed coinage, so I sauntered into Checkers Pizza (get it, Checkers, it was right across the street from Domino's Pizza). Checkers was a local owned business, and she was the weekend manager. I managed to get a job as a delivery driver. Oh, don't get me wrong, the qualifications were stringent and I almost didn't make it. But since I had a pulse, and a car, she decided to take a chance.

We knew each other for almost a year before we started dating. Then another two years of sometimes rocky on-and-off dating before she one day sat on my lap and would not get up until we set a date for the wedding. "Fine," I said, "how about September 31st." That lasted about 30 seconds...until she realized that September only has 30 days.

Nowadays one has a much more vast field of play when looking for dates, partners and life-time commitments. Back in my day, to meet someone usually involved going to a bar or other place where people gathered. I've never really been much of a people type of person. Stupidity really irritates me. And stupid drunks doubly so. Now people have the Internet for hooking up and hanging out. One can go online, setup their profile, and wait for the emails to just start rolling in. It is a virtual smörgåsbord of dating goodness.

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