29 March 2007

Nina and Paolo?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!?!?!

LOST this second half of the season has been getting good. I think the producers have discovered that if they keep exponentially increasing the number of sub-plots, with resolving nothing in the meanwhile, frustrated viewers are going to start leaving. And leaving in droves. Viewers can be forgiving, but one can only play them for so long before they get tired of being lead around by that ring in their nose.

Last night's episode, I can't quite figure out. Perhaps in the weeks to come some light will be shed on it. There are two characters that were essentially introduced this season, Nina and Paolo. They went with Locke, Sayid et al. to the Pearl hatch to find what they could find. (It was Nina who brilliantly pointed out in the hatch that possibly the blank TV screens connected to other hatches - DUH!).

That, until last night's episode, was it for the couple. But last night started with Nina and Paolo flashbacks (she was an actor, he a chef, and together they were scheming to steal diamonds form a rich movie producer in Australia). Anyway, their back story revealed to everyone who was left scratching their heads saying "so what, who cares about these two?".

These two die and get buried while their back story is being told. But at the end we discover they are not actually dead, just paralyzed via the bite of a very rare species of spider that has a paralytic venom which paralyzes one for about 8 hours, but does not actually kill them.

Questions remain, will Nina and Paolo dig themselves out of their grave? If so, how freaked out will Locke be that The Island has brought the dead to life?

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Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, as a pretty die-hard fan of Lost, I wasn't all that impressed with the last episode. It seems they ( the writers ) seem to always stray from the path. And Nina and Paolo were just that - straying from the path for no apparent reason.

They left us hanging with Locke's dad(?) tied up in a closet and come back to tell the story of two greedy lovers?

Sorry, I'm gonna need more than that to keep me hooked on Lost.

If they do dig their way out which, in reality would be very unlikely - they'd probably smother from inhaling the sand and dirt - it's going to be very unbelievable for me.