01 March 2007

Rome over Disney any day of the week

My brother and his wife are putting money aside to take their kids to Disney World. My wife had talked about doing that. Personally, I'm not into it. The kids don't need Disney World. I grew up just fine without going there. Besides, I think for close to the same money one would spend for a family of five at Disney World, one could take the family on a true adventure. Somewhere like Rome.

There aren't very many places in Europe I would like to go. I don't have much use for most of that continent. I have no real desire to visit England or Ireland, especially not France, Germany or Belgium.

About the only two places I would like to visit over there are Spain and Italy. And really, not even the whole countries. Spain, I'd like to visit the Manzanares el Real (that's a castle that bears my name) as well as the town of Manzanares. In Italy, the only place I have any desire to visit is Rome.

Rome has so much to offer a visitor. The artworks of the great masters. All the ancient churches and, of course, Vatican City. Being Catholic, it would be somewhat like a pilgrimage to visit the Vatican. That would be the real reason to visit Rome.

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