07 May 2007

Paying debt

I almost forgot. I lost a bet. That is correct, I was wrong. I know, I know, it is so hard to believe, but it happened. Mark your calendars because it doesn't happen much!

At the spring fling on Saturday, Eldest Boy won some cinnamon rolls playing cinnamon roll poker. Sunday morning I had seen a couple of the cinnamon rolls on the kitchen table in their container. On the way home from getting the pump at Lowe's he mentioned being hungry. I told him he still has a couple of cinnamon rolls at home he could eat one when we got home.

He explained to me that the rolls were all gone. I insisted that I had seen a couple on the kitchen table. We made a bet. If I lost, I had to make a post on here that I lost. Well, I lost. I was wrong.

Mark your calendars that on Sunday 6 May, 2007 I was wrong. This doesn't happen very often.

Debt Paid.