04 May 2007

Memed (again)

Ok, I still don't know what a meme is really, but I'm a good sport. I've been tagged by Christy of Christy's Coffee Break for five reasons why I blog.

This ol' boy has things to say, and he wants to say 'em.

Because someone has to chronicle life in the slow lane. Fly-over country is dismissed by too many too often. Things that happen here may not be exciting, but they are real.

It is fun. I enjoy the comments, and seeing people visit my little corner of the world.

Money, yes, I know it is the root (or is that route) of all evil. But everyone I know would not mind having a little more. I don't get much from it, but every little bit helps pay for the fun stuff.

Community. Seriously. Not when I started. I had no idea about what this whole blog thing was. But I have since found people in blogging communities like MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, etc. that are fun to interact with.

So there are my five. Now I tag the following folks:

I'm forty-what??!!
Becoming and Staying Debt Free
Make Money Online The Quick and Easy Way!
Big Poppa G's Fun Stuff And Movie Reviews (man that's a long title)
All Aboard
Rantings, Ramblings, and Other Miscellaneous Stuff

Ok, I was supposed to tag 5 other bloggers, but I tagged six. That's just how I roll. Deal with it baby.

And thanks for visiting!

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Mrs Xoke said...

I took up the tag! Hope I did it right!