27 February 2008

News from fly-over country

It's been a weather induced roller coaster here in fly-over country. First we have 50+ degrees for a few days, then it hits near rock-bottom temps with even more snow and rain. Last week the weather man - who is affectionately known as Mr. Rogers because of his delivery style - informed us that we have had the coldest, wettest winter since sometime around 1895 or so. I sent Al Gore an email, asking him when we could expect our share of that global warming, but so far haven't heard back from him. Maybe he's out buying carbon credits or something.

Two weeks ago the 5/8 had one of her tonsils out, and some work done on the inside of her nose to free up something or other to make her breath easier. I couldn't understand 3 words the doctor said. He is Asian. A great doctor, but certainly has not mastered the English language, at least pronunciation-wise. I was expecting a few days of peace and quiet. If you ever know someone to get their tonsils out in this day and age, don't expect them to not be able to talk. It seems there is some new procedure whereby they freeze the things off instead of cutting them. Speeds up the healing and all that jazz. The downside to that is the patient is able to nag talk straight away.

Over the weekend Little Sister has been feeling down. I think she had a light case of that flu thing going around.  She missed a couple of days of school and pretty much felt miserable over the weekend. She is the only one of us that didn't get a flu shot this year. I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but No. 1 Son made high honors at school. A great feat. As a reward I got him "Burnout Paradise" an XBox 360 driving game. Near as I can tell the whole purpose of the game is to drive fast, do jumps, and run into things seeing how dramatic of a wreck you can have. The 5/8 started playing with it over the weekend, and now we can't seem to pry her away. I think the kids just lost their game console.

In local news, the premier local television station, WIBW is in a bitter fight with the local cable carrier Cox Communications, over money (natch!). WIBW wants Cox to pay them a penny a day per subscriber in order to carry their regular and High-Def content. Cox doesn't want to pay them anything. The contract between the two expires at midnight on 28 February. WIBW hasn't been the best of sportsmen in the quite a while. WIBW is the CBS affiliate for this burg. And there is a CBS affiliate over in Kansas City. Cox carries both, but most of the time if you were to tune into to the KC station, you would see a black screen with white scrolling letters informing you that due to some FCC regulation, the channel is blacked out at the request of the local affiliate. Fox, NBC and ABC - all with local and KC affiliates, never had this problem. I don't know what will happen, but I'm pretty certain that Cox would rather pay the KC station for HD content, than pay WIBW anything at all. I dropped Cox over a year ago, and glad I did.

Really though, that whole situation is crap. Nobody wins. WIBW will undoubtedly lose advertisers because their market share will dwindle. Cox will lose some customers as they switch to satellite. And those that stick with Cox will lose their local CBS affiliate.


Anonymous said...

Google is making an offer to buy the analog signal that is about to be history. That should be interesting.

Unknown said...

I hadn't heard about that until now. In thinking about it though, with Google wanting to launch into the telephone business. Those low spectrum frequencies would be very valuable to them. Especially if they do it like they do most things, for free (except for the constant ads on your phone).

The scary thing about Google and free telephone is, you just know they are going to keep track of everything you do, every keystroke and every phone call made. They are like that - data whores.

Although, gee, free cell phone w/ wireless broadband. That would really be the iPhone killer.