28 October 2007

Sometimes you can't catch a break

Sometimes it is just too difficult to get anything of worth accomplished. Like a blog post even. I sit down, fire up LiveWriter, and begin typing. Then comes commotion from the kitchen. So I have to get up, walk across the house, and knock some kids upside the head. While in the kitchen I notice dishes in the sink so I figure I might as well put those in the dishwasher while I'm there. Because, you know, nobody else in the whole danged house can put a dish in the dishwasher.

Then I sit back down and write maybe two or three more words, and the 5/8 brings a basket of clothes from the dryer. I stop again and get up and walk across the house to help fold the clothes. By the time that is finished, the kids are at it again, and I have to take the time to go out back and knock them upside the head again. When I get back inside, I notice yet more dirty glasses in the sink. After loading those in the dishwasher, I sit back town, and type another couple of words.

About 1 1/2 paragraphs into a post is normally when one of the 'rents calls with some task they just can't seem to get accomplished by themselves. Difficult things to be sure, things like changing a light bulb, or moving some 2x4s from one shed to another. So I stop again, and drive on over to the 'rents house and get done whatever dangerous and difficult task they just had to have done 'right darned now.' When I get back I once again notice more dishes in the sink. After cleaning out the sink for what seems like the 23rd time in the last three hours, I can sit back down at the computer and crank out a couple more lines of a post.

Of course, about two more lines grace the electric glow of the monitor before the 5/8 comes back up from the basement with more dry clothes which require folding, and the kids are requiring more head-knocking, and there are still dirty dishes in the sink. All of this going on, and when I ask No. 1 Son to do something I get the response "Sheesh, can't I just get one day for some 'me' time?" All I can do is laugh, because the other thing that goes through my head at those words is a felony.