07 October 2007

I could have made it all up.

This whole 30 days of posts thing doesn't seem to be going over very well. Here is it, 4 days since my last post, and I don't have any valid reasons for not posting. Sometimes, you just have nothing to say, and sometimes you have plenty to say, you just don't have the right words to say it. Then again, sometimes you might put the whole thing at the bottom of the list of things to get done. Placing a lower importance on it than, say, pressing the "Stumble Upon" button in the browser tool bar. Sometimes, you just want to kind of vegetate and do mostly nothing, especially something that will require you to think, and possibly express some kind of idea, or thought, or tell a story.

But who knows really, mostly I think sometimes things just - are; and you are just too damned apathetic to give a rat's hind end about much of anything. So here it is, yet another Sunday, and I haven't posted anything since Thursday and I'm thinking to myself 'why didn't I just take five minutes and put something, anything up?' and there is no answer. Just nothing. But I'm making the effort anyway. As this whole experiment goes on, it just seems like what there is to write about doesn't seem all that interesting. And if it isn't interesting to me, I have to wonder how interesting it is to anyone else. I'm not going to give up on it though. I missed a few days, but there were some days that I posted multiple times, so that should count for some extra credit at least.

But then again, I could have just made the whole thing up.