10 January 2007

Waiting for the snow (still)

Christmas and New Years has come and gone here in northeast Kansas, and still we have no snow. Out west...out west we have lots of snow. Too much really. Almost greedily too much. They shouldn't have kept all that snow for themselves. They should have shared some, but they didn't and now look at the state of affairs they are in. Cattle are starving or dehydrating, or just generally down in the dumps.

The prez has finally declared the area a national disaster area. It should have been done a couple of weeks ago, but it takes time. We are, after all, midwesterners. We don't expect, nor desire, the federal government to swoop in and save us, or our cattle, just because we got stingy and held on to more snow that we should have and didn't let anyone east of us get any of the powdery white goodness.

New Years eve was an interesting night. An 8 year old beat us all at Monopoly. In my defense though, it was "Sponge Bob" Monopoly, and not the regular everyday Monopoly. Not that it should make that much difference. The game is the same, only the names - and the tokens - were changed to better match the kids show. I'm standing firm though, that since I could not be the shoe, is why I lost so miserably to a second grader.

And hey, thanks for visiting!