17 January 2008

My Band's New CD!

The Count had a pretty cool post about a new band. Well, okay, not really a new band, but a fun little exercise type thingy. See, you follow the directions below my band's CD cover, and create your own band, album and cover. Pretty cool. Here is mine.


The rules are simple enough to follow:

Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random and the title of the article that appears is the name of your band.

Then go here: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 and the last four words, of the very last quote, is the name of your album

The go here: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ and the third picture, regardless of what it is, is the cover art for your band's CD.

Then take all that into some graphics program (I like Photoshop) and create your CD cover.

Oh, BTW, a CD cover dimensions are 4.725x4.725 - but I'm a slacker, and I used 4.7x4.7 because, who the heck really cares?

Go ahead, give it a try, and let me know how it comes out.


Anonymous said...

too cool, it's a trip how these all kinda make sense

There's one on SoHoS blog somewhere from i think it was "RT" that was flat out creepy