14 December 2007

Christmas Cheer

The kids made a gingerbread house. We never did that when we were kids. But then again, you couldn't simply go down to the store and buy a kit in a box either. One that doesn't require baking. It came with some sort of icing glue stuff to hold it all together. Seeing it makes me want to make a real one though. Maybe next year, I'll have to find a recipe for ginger bread. I remember making ginger bread people once when I was a kid. I asked mom about making a gingerbread house, like in Hansel and Gretel, but she side-stepped the question with something or other and it never came to fruition.


This one the kids did by themselves, no grown up participation (except to crack open the ol' wallet and fork over the $8 for the kit of course). I'm getting photo-happy as it gets closer to the holidays. So I'm treating everyone to another picture. Hope you like it.