28 December 2012

Is This Normal?

Is it normal for people who have a blog, who’ve enjoyed writing in it now and again, but invariably put their posts and writing onto the far far back burner as life gets in the way, to pop their heads back in at the close of the year just to say something, anything, to let the world know they are still alive and kicking? Does it even matter? In the grand scheme of things, I would have to say “no”. In the big picture, the musings of one guy on teh interwebs doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

Be that as I may, I have to say that I miss writing. I enjoy it. It’s peaceful in a way. Let’s me just nearly close off my mind and my fingers fly across the keyboard tic-tac ing out words which form sentences which sometimes lead to some kind of rational though (not often, I grant you that). Maybe I’ll make a new years resolution to do more writing.

To catch up the year in a nutshell…

  • No. 1 Son finally got off his duff and enrolled in school, studying networking and computer repair.
  • No. 2 Son “came of age”, turning 18. Now a full-fledged adult (except, of course, where the intake of alcohol is concerned).
  • Little Sister turned 14 and also somewhere along the way this year discovered Doctor Who. She’s hooked. Such a little geekette she is, but I probably have only myself to blame for that.
  • Picked up a Star Wars version of Monopoly for our annual New Year’s Eve monopoly game (which Little Sister usually wins, btw).
  • Put about 20K miles on my Harley.
  • In TV land we saw the end of Eureka – which was a great light-hearted show, and (presumably) the end of Clay Morrow in the season finale of Sons of Anarchy (probably not though) as well as the end of House.
  • In the movie world we were treated to Dark Knight Rises (treated might be  bit of stretch maybe I’ll make a post on that sometime) as well as The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
  • Oh yeah, and recently discharged Marine moved in with us. She’s mostly living with us while her fiance is off training etc. in the Corps.

And that’s about it for the year in review. All in all, not really such a bad year, despite seemingly having less and less money to make ends meet as the year progressed. Maybe 2013 will be better (not bloody likely!).